Rathinam International Public School – Ad shoot
Rathinam International Public School (RIPS) is a part of Rathinam Group. It is the only international school to offer an innovative curriculum, tailor made by the school itself by combining CBSE-i and IGCSE. At RIPS children will be exposed to different ideas and concepts, encouraged to question, motivated to experiment and express all that they learn in the form of creative work. These practices prepare them emotionally for academic learning.
Being the official brand strategist for them, we did several ad campaigns for them including websites, print ads, brochures, photoshoot, etc. Apart from these, we had recently shot a video ad for them to promote in theatres, malls and television channels. The shooting day was a wonderful experience as we spent the entire day with tiny little buds.
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Stephan Gargamel
18 Februar, 2014 at 9:43 pm
Ique torquatos. Vitae inciderint qui cu, cu quo choro denique lobortis. Sit euripidis aliquando in, quot commodo in pro, eos id equidem legimus pertinacia. Ei mei dico enim, vivendum principes mei in. Cu primis maiorum usu. Eam et erant laudem tacimates, ad pro vitae legimus. Cum at quas habeo, erat primis delectus sit no, id zril quaestio mel. Tale nullam expetendis eam ne, his ne eros minimum sadipscing, quas noster at vis. Mel discere iudicabit te, error pericula ei sit. Mea eu soleat regione, liber postula.