Partners with IYONS!
The first edition of International Youth NGO's Summit (IYONS) will happen from July 24th to 26th 2015, at MARG Swarnabhoomi, Chennai, India. Youth NGO leaders from 190+ countries will participate and represent their NGOs. IYONS is for young NGO leaders, Social Activist and Social Entrepreneurs from every nook and corner of the world to network and also to open up various opportunities for social welfare.
The objective of the summit is to establish peace and oneness across the globe and to increase the possibilities for non-profit organizations/Social Activist/Social Entrepreneurs to work together on the key issues of children, youth, education, women empowerment, health, livelihood, disability and welfare.
Proud to say that, Idea Infotainment is the official partner of IYONS and we are handling the entire social media of the summit. We are running several campaigns for the summit to make it reach globally. Within a short time, the facebook page of the summit got several followers. Happy to contribute for a social cause and it gives immense satisfaction!
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Stephan Gargamel
18 Februar, 2014 at 9:43 pm
Ique torquatos. Vitae inciderint qui cu, cu quo choro denique lobortis. Sit euripidis aliquando in, quot commodo in pro, eos id equidem legimus pertinacia. Ei mei dico enim, vivendum principes mei in. Cu primis maiorum usu. Eam et erant laudem tacimates, ad pro vitae legimus. Cum at quas habeo, erat primis delectus sit no, id zril quaestio mel. Tale nullam expetendis eam ne, his ne eros minimum sadipscing, quas noster at vis. Mel discere iudicabit te, error pericula ei sit. Mea eu soleat regione, liber postula.